our testimonies



What Our leaders Say

Making Jesus famous is now one of the most important thing in the world.You just need to learn how to live like Jesus and you are good to go

There is no one like Jesus in the world.If you receive Jesus you will never be the same again in your life because he is the truth and the life.

Rev. Harriet Kateregga

A great commitment to the great commandment and a great commission will grow a great church.

(A vision creates provision)

Dr. Moses Kateregga

Our Testimonies

The following are our testimonies of what the lord has done

A woman gives birth after barrenness for 16years

Dr.Moses Kateregga prays for a barren woman and she gives birth to a son whose name is Miracle click on this video above and increase your faith since with God all is possible

A woman wins a 7 year courtcase through prayer

A woman named Jovia praises God as she was delivered from a 7 year courtcase in which they wanted to take her land. After praying with Dr.Moses Kateregga she wins the case and gets land

A woman delivered from breast cancer she had for 5 years

A woman named Niwabine is delivered from breast cancer which was going to kill her in a few months but as she prays with Dr.Moses Kateregga she is delivered and set free completely. This shows that with God all things are possible, we live by faith and not by sight

Our Main Events

we minister to the world


Wednesday service

Friday overnight

Enrol for our partnership programme
anywhere from the world